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Construction Engineering Service & Temporary Work Design
Bridge Design/ Alternative Design
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Construction Engineering Service & Temporary Work Design
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Batang Sadong Bridge, Sebuyau-Sadong Jaya, Sarawak
Malaysia | Completed
Batang Sadong Bridge, Sebuyau-Sadong Jaya, Sarawak: Precamber Design for Prestressed Box Girder Constructed by Balanced Cantilever Method
Longest Bridge in Malaysia with 10 spans of maximum span length up to 200m.
Carried out bridge stability check and pre-camber calculation for balanced cantilever construction.
Sg. Teru Bridge, Loagan Bunut, Miri, Sarawak
Malaysia | Completed
Sg Teru Bridge, Loagan Bunut, Miri, Sarawak: Construction Engineering or Integral Bridge Built with Spliced Precast Prestressed I-Girders
Carried out bridge stability analysis during construction and Advised contractor on the bridge construction sequence to ensure bridge stability throughout the construction.
Carried out stress check on the bridge at every stage of the bridge construction
Batang Lebaan Bridge, Sibu-Tanjung Manis, Sarawak
Malaysia | Completed
Batang Lebaan Bridge, Sibu-Tanjung Manis, Sarawak: Precamber Design for Prestressed Box Girder Constructed by Balanced Cantilever Method
Carried out bridge stability check and pre-camber calculation for balanced cantilever construction.
Sg. Padas Bridge,Beaufort Sabah
Malaysia | Completed
Sg. Padas Bridge,Beaufort Sabah :Box Girder Bridge by Balanced Cantilevered Method
Designed temporary fixity system using spun piles during construction stage because the bridge was designed on pot-bearing support which is not stable for cantilever construction.
Carried out bridge stability check and pre-camber calculation for balanced cantilever construction.
Design temporary work to stabilise the two cantilever tips for casting of midspan and endspan stitching segments.
Seredeng Bridge, Sibu, Sarawak
Malaysia | Completed
Seredeng Bridge, Sibu, Sarawak:Temporary Fixity System to Stabilise Bridge During Balanced Cantilever Construction
Design of temporary fixity to stablise the bridge during construction for box girder bridge supported on bearing but built with balanced cantilever construction. The bridge was designed to have segments cantilevered82m from pier during construction stage.
Carried out bridge stability check and pre-camber calculation for balanced cantilever construction.
Design temporary work to stabilise the two cantilever tips for casting of midspan and end span stitching segments.
A410 Bridge, Yala Province, Thailand
Thailand | Completed
A410 Bridge, Yala Province, Thailand: Shop Drawing and Precamber Design for Prestressed Box Girder Constructed by Balanced Cantilever Method
Prepared tendon shop drawings and tendon elongation calculation for the bridge.
Carried out bridge stability check and pre-camber calculation for balanced cantilever construction.
Design temporary work to stabilise the two cantilever tips for casting of midspan and end span stitching segments.
MRT-V8 Special Crossing
Malaysia | Completed
MRT-V8 Special Crossing: Precast Segmental Box Girder Shop Drawings
Prepared shop drawings for the special crossing of MRT viaducts.
Sg Lebir Bridge, Aring, Terengganu
Malaysia | Completed
Sg Lebir Bridge, Aring, Terengganu: Precamber Design for Prestressed Box Girder Constructed by Balanced Cantilever Method
Carried out bridge stability check and pre-camber calculation for balanced cantilever construction.
Advised on the bridge construction sequence and setting survey reference points for box girder.
Design temporary work to stabilise the two cantilever tips forcasting of midspan and end span stitching segments
Demolition of Old Sg. Prai Bridge for KTM Double Tracking Work
Malaysia | Completed
Demolition of Old Sg Prai Bridge for KTM Double Tracking Work: Construction Engineering and Bridge Stability Check
Carried out bridge stability analysis and structural design check during demolition work.
Design of temporary work and tie-down system to stabilise the platform for crane during demolition work.
Puteri Harbour Cable-Stayed Arch Bridge, Nusajaya, Johor
Malaysia | Completed
Puteri Harbour Cable-Stayed Arch Bridge, Nusajaya, Johor: Construction Engineering Service and Bridge Stability Control during Construction
Carried out bridge stability analysis during construction and advised contractor on the complicated bridge construction sequence to ensure stability throughout the construction.
Design check on tendon and cable stressing sequence based on the construction sequence
Pre-camber design and prepared pre-camber chart for cantilever construction.
MRT-S4 Pusat Bandar Damansara Station
Malaysia | Completed
MRT-S4 Pusat Bandar Damansara Station: Design of Temporary Steel Tower for Construction of Cantilever Crosshead over SPRINT Highway
Design the 1st cast of cantilever crosshead to support the 2nd cast to reduce the load onto the steel temporary tower using temporary prestress tendons
Design the structural steel tower and platform for the crosshead construction.
MRT-S5 Stations
Malaysia | Completed
MRT-S5 Stations: Construction Engineering and Temporary Prestress Design for Construction of Segmental Cantilever Crosshead
Alternative design on the prestress tendons for the precast segmental crosshead to comply to the required stress during stressing and segment erection.
Design the temporary prestress bar for the erection of precast segmental crosshead
Design the steel blister and holding-down system to anchor temporary prestress bars onto the precast segments during segment erection
Carried out stability analysis on station structures during construction and advised contractor on the construction sequence to ensure stability throughout the construction.
Prepared shop drawings for the precast segmental crosshead casting at yard.
MRT Package V4
Malaysia | Completed
MRT Package V4: Design of Movable Piling Platform for Construction of Micropile over Monsoon Drain at Jalan Semantan
Carried out steel platform design for the construction of microplie over monsoon drain
MRT-S4 PBD and Semantan Stations
Malaysia | Completed
MRT-S4 PBD and Semantan Stations: Design of Hanging Formwork for RC Beams and Slabs Construction over Highway
Designed the hanging formwork using steel structures for the construction of cast in-situ RC beams and slabs over highway.
MRT V201
Malaysia | Completed
MRT V201: Temporary Work Design and Construction Engineering
Design of Anchoring for Tie Down Bar for Launching Gantry on Pier & SBG.
Design check of Tie Down Bar during launching of SBG (balance cantilever method) on Long Spans.
Design check of SBG Stability, Pier Capacity, Crosshead Capacity & Portal Capacity during movement of Launching Gantry and launching works of SBG.
Design of levelling beam for Long Spans.
Design of temporary rail, trolley and crash barrier for SBG launching on Station Box & Design Check of existing structures.
Design check of pier, pile cap and pile capacity for segment launching work.
Design check and analysis for SBG tie down prestress bar.
Design of sliding beam for segment launching works.
Design the temporary prestress bar, temporary steel blister, shear key, lifting frame for cantilever precast segmental crosshead construction.
MRT SBK Line Station Package S5
Malaysia | Completed
MRT SBK Line Station Package S5: Temporary Work Design and Construction Engineering
Designed the temporary prestress bar, temporary steel blister, shear key, lifting frame for cantilever precast segmental crosshead construction.
Carry out value engineering and construction engineering in order to achieve optimum structure design.
Projek Pembinaan Jalan Pintas Rawang Bagi Mengatasi Kesesakan Lalulintas di Bandar Rawang secara Design and Build: Jajaran Alternative yang Melalui Taman Warisan Negeri Selangor
Malaysia | Completed
Projek Pembinaan Jalan Pintas Rawang Bagi Mengatasi Kesesakan Lalulintas di Bandar Rawang secara Design & Build: Jajaran Alternative yang Melalui Taman Warisan Negeri Selangor (Completed)
Carried out precamber analysis and design for the prestressed box girder constructed with balanced cantilever method using form travelers.
Garden Bridge in the Improvement Works of Sungei Tampines (Tampines Avenue 7 to Tampines Expressway)
Singapore | Completed
Garden Bridge in the Improvement Works of Sungei Tampines (Tampines Avenue 7 to Tampines Expressway)
Provide construction engineering service to contractor for the bridge construction and precast beam launching works.
Carry out design check on the bridge structures for beam launching operation
Carry our temporary work design for the bridge construction.