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Structural Strengthening and upgrading work
Bridge Design/ Alternative Design
Building Design/ Alternative Design
Construction Engineering Service & Temporary Work Design
Engineering Assessment & Structural Inspection
Structural Strengthening and upgrading work
3rd Party Design Review and Checking
All Services
Structural Trimming for New Escalator Opening Through Existing Prestressed Slab
Malaysia | Completed
Structural Trimming for New Escalator Opening Through Existing Prestressed Slab
Carried out structural analysis of prestressed flat slab with additional escalator opening.
Designed tendon re-anchoring and slab trimming details.
Transfer Beam Strengthening Design for 24m Prestressed Beams with Under-Strength Concrete
Malaysia | Completed
Transfer Beam Strengthening Design for 24m Prestressed Beams with Under-Strength Concrete
Design the structural strengthening of the prestressed transfer beam.
Design the stressing sequence and method of construction for the repair specialist.
Trusan Sapi Bridge, Sabah
Malaysia | Completed
Trusan Sapi Bridge, Sabah: Design Check and Assessment on Balanced Cantilever Box Girder Bridge T-Beams
Proposed rectification method to fix bridge mis-alignment during construction.
Carry out bridge design check based on the proposed remedial method.
Carried out precamber analysis and bridge stability check during construction stage.
RHB Bank Bukit Baru Branch Melaka
Malaysia | Completed
Structural Strengthening to RHB Bank Bukit Baru Branch Melaka
Dimensional survey, visual Inspection and testing to the existing building structures.
Designed structural strengthening for new strong room loading.
Structural Strengthening to Prestressed Beams and Slabs at Menara N2N for Higher Floor Loading
Malaysia | Completed
Structural Strengthening to Prestressed Beams and Slabs at Menara N2N for Higher Floor Loading
Design Carbon Fiber (SIKA Carbon Type S) to strength the existing prestressed beams and slabs for higher loading
Design floor loads are upgraded from office usage to Data Server Center (7.5kPa) and Compactor Filing Room (5.0kPa)
Animal Viaducts, Terengganu
Malaysia | Completed
Animal Viaducts, Terengganu: Proposed Remedial Method for Under-Strengthen Bridge T-Beams
Re-analyzed the bridge structures based on the actual modulus of elasticity of beam.
Proposed remedial method to strengthen the T-beams
Kingfisher Bridge Pile Cap Strengthening Design
Malaysia | Completed
Kingfisher Bridge Pile Cap Strengthening Design
Designed the pilecap enlargement and additional piling by micro piles to strengthening the damaged existing spun piled foundations.
Designed the temporary work to jack up the existing bridge for pot bearing replacement.
Institut Jantung Negara
Malaysia | Completed
Structural Strengthening and Trimming of Reinforced Concrete Flat Slab for Institut Jantung Negara
Carried out structural analysis of RC flat slab for heavier loading from new medical equipment and design carbon fiber strengthening.
Designed structural trimming for RC flat slab with additional new opening to the existing structures.
P1 South Travelator Lobby at Mid-Valley Mall
Malaysia | Completed
Structural Strengthening Work at P1 South Travellator Lobby at Mid-Valley Mall
Design the structural strengthening to Precast Hollow Core Slab using Carbon Fiber Plates.
Malaysia | Completed
VIVA Mall: Design Structural Strengthening for Prestressed Flat Slabs and Prestressed Beam-Slabs with Plate Bonding
Designed structural strengthening to the prestressed flat slabs using steel plate bonding from office to heavy retail load
Designed steel plate (shear plate) bonding for shear enhancement of prestressed beam.
TESCO Mutiara Damansara
Malaysia | Completed
Building Extension and Upgrading for TESCO Mutiara Damansara
Design the additional floor areas as Retail Areas.
Upgrade Car Park to Retail Areas at Ground Floor with under-pinning works.
Design structural strengthening to upgrade the existing car parks to Retail Areas by steel plate bonding.
Design the steel structures at the main façade of the Mall Entrance.
Design the additional car park and steel roof structures.